

Publicerad 2019-08-25 12:08:39 i Allmänt,






Version info=【UPDATES】; apple ipod; NetEase Games; Score=8887 reviews; The major lunar new year update bring lots of things to knives out. To the new tier system, LBS ranks, etc but what people are more interested in my opinion in is gameplay. I will have to say that the lag issues has definitely been reduced, as before this update the game was literally unplayable, for me at least. But there is still some lag and after like two matches or more the game get back extremely laggy. I know u might say to whom is reading this that“well that your own fault. You need to upgrade your setup if u want to get rid of that lag” and I say you are right I am in the process of trying to get a new mobile device to play this game on but until then I’m stuck with the one I’m currently using. I want this game to be so optimized that I can play it on any device. Im also speaking for the people with low end devices and know there not going to be upgraded anytime soon but love to play this game. Like I said in my previous reviews comment, NetEases Games need to prioritize gameplay, then content, then cosmetic and try to make this game as great as it can be, especially now since that new mobile player unknown battle ground has be released in China for open beta and most likely releasing around the world in the near future and is going to be some serious competition. But I believe this game come out top; 4 / 5 stars; Fight For Five!.

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